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Modern Dairy Manure Utilization Management Standards

1. Wastewater Discharge Management

Modern Dairy continuously focuses on wastewater pollutant treatment, classifying and treating wastewater according to different production scenarios and water conditions. While ensuring compliant wastewater discharge, the company gradually improves wastewater treatment efficiency to minimize the impact of production and operation activities on the ecological environment. The wastewater generated during the company’s operations mainly includes raw milk business and feed business. The raw milk business wastewater primarily consists of sprinkler wastewater, milking parlor washing wastewater, and biogas slurry produced after manure treatment in cow barns. The feed business wastewater mainly includes domestic wastewater. All wastewater is properly treated and used for farmland fertilization and irrigation.

2. Biogas Slurry Application to Fields

Modern Dairy’s farms conduct manure utilization management in accordance with standards such as Agricultural Biogas Slurry (GB/T 40750) and Technical Specification for Harmless Treatment of Livestock and Poultry Manure (GB/T 36195-2018). Regular analysis and testing are carried out to ensure that the utilization process meets environmental protection and public health requirements.

Modern Dairy incorporates manure nutrient management into the manure application management, promoting sustainable development of integrated crop-livestock systems. The company has incorporated the “Calculation Method for Land Carrying Capacity of Livestock and Poultry Manure” (NY/T3877-2021) issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs into its management documents, guiding manure application from a nutrient balance perspective. Additionally, farmers are provided with manure promotion fees to encourage reasonable utilization of manure nutrients.

  • Biogas Slurry Management Indicators and Requirements: Agricultural Biogas Slurry (GB/T 40750)
Category Indicator Requirements
pH value 5.5-8.5
Water-insoluble matter (g/L) ≤50
Ascaris egg mortality rate (%) ≥95
Odor emission concentration (dimensionless) ≤70
Fecal coliform value (g/individual) ≥10-4
Total arsenic (mg/L) ≤10.0
Total chromium (Cr6+, mg/L) ≤50.0
Total cadmium (as Cd, mg/L) ≤3.0
Total lead (as Pb, mg/L) ≤50.0
Total mercury (as Hg, mg/L) ≤5.0
  • Biogas Slurry Management Indicators and Requirements: Technical Specification for Harmless Treatment of Livestock and Poultry Manure (GB/T 36195-2018)
Category Indicator Requirements
Ascaris egg mortality rate (%) ≥95
Fecal coliform count (individuals/kg) ≤105

3. Biogas Residue Utilization

We recycle all biogas residue produced on our farms. Due to its moisture-absorbing and insulating properties, our company uses biogas residue as bedding material in cow barns, improving the bedding environment and enhancing barn comfort. Staff regularly turn and replenish the biogas residue to reduce odors and bacterial growth, maintaining cleanliness in the barns.

  • Reference Table for Cow Bedding Biogas Residue Implementation Range
Category Production Standard
Physical properties Color Light yellow, uniform color
Odor No odor
Texture Fine, powdery state
Impurities None
Foreign matter Must not contain iron filings, nails, stones, or other materials that could harm cattle
Physicochemical indicators Moisture content June-August ≤50%, other months ≤45%
Sanitary indicators Fecal coliform value g(mL)/individual ≥10-4
Salmonella Not detected
Ascaris egg mortality rate ≥95% ≥95%